Alexandria.NET library for SophiaTX blockchain
Table of Contents
As a prerequisite for the nuget package to work, please have openssl installed on your machine (download openssl and install on Windows environment using (“brew install openssl” on Mac environment)
Get the latest nuget package from (
Please select the package depending on your platform requirements 64 or 32 (x86) bit.
Add the nuget package into the project (using Nuget Package Manager)
Rebuild the project and use the below mentioned functions to get connected with SophiaTX Blockchain
Create Connection-DotNetApi
protected readonly SophiaClient _client = new SophiaClient(IpAddress, DemonPort, WalletPort);
Library Functions-DotNetApi
Get Feed History
Get details about the Blockchain
Get a list of functions and How-To available on the sophia blockchain
Get recent transaction and block information on the blockchain
Get block infromation using blockId
Get operations from a block
_client.Transaction.GetOpsInBlock(blockNumber, onlyVirtual);
Get Transaction details
var trx=_client.Transaction.GetTransaction(transactionId);
Generate Private Key and Public Key pair
_client.Key.GeneratePrivateKey(new byte[51], new byte[53]);
Get public key using private key
_client.Key.GetPublicKey(privateKey, new byte[53]);
Encrypt Memo with private key and receiver’s public key for sending secure data across the blockchain
_client.Key.EncryptMemo(memo, PrivateKey, PublicKey2, new byte[1024]);
Decrypt the received using private key and sender’s public key
_client.Key.DecryptMemo(encryptedMemo, PrivateKey2, PublicKey, new byte[1024]);
Send JSON data to list of recepients
var test = "{\"new_book_name\":\"test9999\"}";
var data = new SenderData
AppId = 2,
PrivateKey = PrivateKey,
Recipients = new List<string> {accountName1, acocuntName2},
Sender = accountName,
JsonDoc = test
Send plain text to list of recepients
var data = new SenderData
AppId = 2,
PrivateKey = PrivateKey,
Recipients = new List<string> {accountName1, acocuntName2},
Sender = accountName,
BinaryDoc = memo
Send JSON data to list of recipients asynchronously
var test = "{\"new_book_name\":\"test9999\"}";
var data = new SenderData
AppId = 2,
PrivateKey = PrivateKey,
Recipients = new List<string> {accountName1, acocuntName2},
Sender = accountName,
JsonDoc = test
Send plain text to list of recipients asynchronously
var data = new SenderData
AppId = 2,
PrivateKey = PrivateKey,
Recipients = new List<string> {accountName1, acocuntName2},
Sender = accountName,
BinaryDoc = memo
List recieved documents, sorted depending on the search type, start(ISOTimeStamp)
_client.Data.Receive(AppID, accountName, SearchType, start, numberOfEntries);
Create account using private key. Same public key can be used for all three keys required to create accoun.
Seed, can be any unique value string (have atleast 3 digits and no special characters ($, £, #, etc.)) for genrating new account name.
Creator, is an account with enough balance to pay for account creation.
_client.Account.CreateAccount(seed, jsonData, ownerKey, activeKey, memoKey, creator, creatorPrivateKey);
Get account details
Delete account
_client.Account.DeleteAccount(accountName, PrivateKey);
Update account keys and JSON details
_client.Account.UpdateAccount(accountName, jsonData, ownerKey, activeKey, memoKey, privateKey);
Get account history
_client.Account.GetAccountHistory(accountName, from, limit);
Get account name from seed (used to create account)
Get account vesting balance
Get account balance
Check if account still exists
Get account authority key
Get account memo key
Get account owner key
Create simple multi-signature authority
var pubkeys = new List<string> {publicKey1, publicKey2};
_client.Account.CreateSimpleMultisigAuthority(pubkeys, requiredSignatures);
Create simple managing authority
Create simple multi-signature managing authority
var pubkeys = new List<string> {publicKey1, publicKey2};
_client.Account.CreateSimpleMultiManagedAuthority(pubkeys, requiredSignatures);
Transfer amount (argument in the format “250000.00 SPHTX”) from one to other account
_client.Asset.Transfer(accountName, beneficiaryAccountName, amount, memo, privateKey);
Withdraw amount (argument in the format “250000.00 SPHTX”) vesting account balance
_client.Asset.WithdrawVesting(acocuntName, ammount, PrivateKey);
Transfer amount to vesting account
_client.Asset.TransferToVesting(accountName, beneficiaryAccountName, amount, privateKey);
Get Active Witnesses
Get List of all witnesses
_client.Witness.ListWitnesses(witnessName, numberOfEntries);
Get details of a witness
Become a witness, price feed example can be as
var feed1 = new List<PrizeFeedQuoteMessage>
new PrizeFeedQuoteMessage
Currency = "USD",
PrizeFeedQuote = new PrizeFeedQuote {Base = "1 USD", Quote = "0.152063 SPHTX"}
var feed2= new List<PrizeFeedQuoteMessage>
new PrizeFeedQuoteMessage
Currency = "EUR",
PrizeFeedQuote = new PrizeFeedQuote {Base = "1 EUR", Quote = "0.154988 SPHTX"}
var pricefeed=new List<List<PrizeFeedQuoteMessage>>{feed1,feed2};
_client.Witness.UpdateWitness(accountName, url, blockSigningKey, accountCreationFee, minimumBlockSize, pricefeed, privateKey);
Set voting proxy
_client.Account.SetVotingProxy(accountName, proxyAccountName, PrivateKey);
Vote for a witness
_client.Witness.VoteForWitness(accountName, witnessName, voteType, privateKey);
Create application (the price parameter that specifies billing for the app (1 or 0))
_client.Application.CreateApplication(accountName, applicationName, URL, jsonData, priceParam, PrivateKey);
Update application
_client.Application.UpdateApplication(accountName, applicationName, URL, jsonData, priceParam, PrivateKey);
Delete application
_client.Application.DeleteApplication(accountName, applicationName, PrivateKey);
Buy Application
_client.Application.BuyApplication(accountName, appId, PrivateKey);
Cancel Application purchase
_client.Application.CancelApplicationBuying(sellerAccountName, buyerAccountName, appId, PrivateKey);
Get a list of all bought application and sorting is done depending on search type (bySeller or byBuyer)
_client.Application.GetApplicationBuyings(accountName, SearchType, numberOfEntries);
Get details of list of applications
var names = new List<string>{applicationName1, applicationName2};
Daemon Methods-DotNetApi
Call methods from different Api.
var args = new argumentObject(){};
Javascript SDK
Alexandria.js API library for SophiaTX Blockchain
Table of Contents
- Install
- Help
- Details
- Keys
- Cryptography
- Accounts
- Transaction
- Witness
- Voting
- Data Transmission
- Daemon Methods
git clone
npm install
npm run build
<script src="../dist/alexandria.min.js"></script>
or, use the new updated sophiatx-alexandria-api, npm module to run the project
npm install sophiatx-alexandria-api --save
let sophia=require('sophiatx-alexandria-api');
Connect to http services
sophia.api.setOptions({url: httpConnectionUrl });
Get the current version and information about the blockchain
sophia.api.about(function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get the recent updates on the blockchain., response){
console.log(err, response);
Get help to work with the blockchain, this returns all the method and necessary details about the blockchain its functionalities., response){
console.log(err, response);
Get details about the block using block_id
sophia.api.getBlock(blockNumber,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get details of operations inside a block
sophia.api.getOpsInBlock(blockNumber,true,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Check if the account still exists
sophia.api.accountExist(accountName,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get transaction history of an account from (-1 means most recent entry) and limit (number of data to be displayed)
sophia.api.getAccountHistory(accountName,from,limit,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get Account History filtered using its type (transfer, transfer_to_vesting, witness_update, account_create, account_delete,account_update, withdraw_vesting, vote, witness_update, transfer_to_vesting, account_witness_vote, account_witness_proxy, custom_json, custom_binary, etc.)
sophia.api.getAccountHistoryByType(accountName,type,from,limit,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get ActiveKey related to the account
sophia.api.getActiveAuthority(accountName,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get MemoKey related to the account
sophia.api.getMemoKey(accountName,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get OwnerKey related to the account
sophia.api.getOwnerAuthority(accountName,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get account balance of an account
sophia.api.getAccountBalance(accountName,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get account name using the seed(Any data string including uppercase,lowercase and numbers) used to create the account.
sophia.api.getAccountNameFromSeed(accountName,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get vesting balance of the account
sophia.api.getVestingBalance(accountName,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get feed history of the currency using its symbol
sophia.api.getFeedHistory(symbol,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Generates separate public key for each of the roles
Validates account name whether it can be set or not
Generates public key and private key pair
Checks the format of Public key and decides if it is valid with prefix
Checks the format of Private key and decides if it is valid
Returns public key on supplied Private key
Matches public key with private key returns boolean value
Corrects the caps and spaces in distorted passPhrase (brainKey)
Use privateKey of sender’s account and publicKey of receiver’s account to encrypt the message
Use publicKey of sender’s account and privateKey of receiver’s account to decrypt the message
Create account using seed(Any data string including uppercase,lowercase and numbers), creator as Witness’s name, Witness’s PrivateKey and user’s PublicKey as ActiveKey
sophia.api.createAccount(creatorName,seed,creatorPrivateKey,json_meta, owner, active, memo_key,function(err,response){
Delete account using user’s PrivateKey
Update ActiveKey, OwnerKey, MemoKey and JsonMetadata of the account using user’s PrivateKey
sophia.api.updateAccount(accountName,jsonMeta,owner,active, memoKey,privateKey,function(err,response){
Get account details
sophia.api.getAccount(accountName, function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Sponsor an account, isSponsored is a boolean value to enable and disable the sponsorship
sophia.api.sponsorAccountFees(sponsor,sponsored,isSponsored,privateKey,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Transfer an amount (in the form of “amount (space) currencySymbol, 10.000 SPHTX”) to other account with a memo (receipt/details) attached to the transfer using Sender’s Priavtekey.
sophia.api.transfer(from, to, amount, memo,privateKey,function(err,response){
Get transaction id using transaction object as an argument.
Transfer amount (in the form of “amount currencySymbol, 10.000 SPHTX”) to Vesting.
sophia.api.transferToVesting(from, to, amount,privateKey,function(err,response){
Withdraw amount (in the form of “amount currencySymbol, 10.000 SPHTX”) from Vesting in fractions.
Get transaction details using transaction id
sophia.api.getTransaction(transactionId,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get list of Witnesses or miners
sophia.api.listWitnesses(startFromWitnessName,count,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get list of Witnesses by votes in descending order
sophia.api.listWitnessesByVote(startFromWitnessName,count,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Get details about a Witness
sophia.api.getWitness(witnessName,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Update witness is the function to update an existing account as a witness contender it needs prize feed update as an argument,
prizeFeed example ([["USD",{"base":"1 USD","quote":"0.187331 SPHTX"}]]
) can be used for testing,
blockSigningKey (publicKey format) is used to sign all the blocks. It also needs a description url, where the willing user can put detail about herself.
To become a witness the user must have at least 250,000 SPHTX tokens in her vesting account.
sophia.api.updateWitness(accountName, descriptionUrl, blockSigningKey, accountCreationFee, maximumBlockSizeLimit, prizeFeed, privateKey,function(err,response){
Set a proxy account for doing votes on behalf of first account.
sophia.api.setVotingProxy(accountToModify, proxy,privateKey,function(err,response){
Vote for a witness using witness name and voter’s PrivateKey
sophia.api.voteForWitness(accountToVoteWith, accountToVoteFor, approve=true,privateKey,function(err,response){
Data Transmission-JsApi
Get the list of received documents, it can be searched by by_sender, by_recipient,by_sender_datetime,by_recipient_datetime.
sophia.api.getReceivedDocuments(appId, accountName, searchType, start, count, function(err,response){
Send binary data to the list of recipients (Secured/Encoded data could be transmitted using this function).
sophia.api.makeCustomBinaryOperation(appId, from, to, data, privateKey, function(err,response){
Send JSON data to the list of recipients.
sophia.api.makeCustomJSONOperation(appId, from, to, data, privateKey, function(err,response){
Daemon Methods-JsApi
Run other endpoint methods
sophia.api.callPlugin(pluginName,methodName,arguments,function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);