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API Definitions


While the alexandria_api.* calls are ready for use, all other API's methods are currently works in progress and may change, or be unsuitable for production use !!!

Best practice for application developers is to use one of the provided SDK’s depending on what language the application is writenn in.

If there is no such SDK, then use directly alexandria_api. In case there are some methods missing in alexandria_api, please create an issue here or use other API’s as the last option.

Supported Operations

An Operation is internal type that blockchain is working with. Every transaction consists of some static fields like “ref_block_num”, “expiration”, “signatures”, etc… that are always present + list of “operations” that may vary and actually express what is such transaction really supposed to write into blockchain.

Each type of operation express different data structure that can be sent into blockchain and saved or somehow change the blockchain state. The main API call to send transaction with user defined operations is: alexandria_api.broadcast_transaction
There are also simplified methods that enable this functionality as well but are more suited for testing than production development:

All other alexandria_api method’s (except of a few helper method to create transaction, etc…) are ONLY FOR READING DATA from blockchain !!!

Final required format of the operations is always in "Example. op" section.
We provide simplified helper methods that return the required format of some of the supported operations, but applications should not call these methods at all as the format does not change. Instead, SDK should take care of that.

List of supported operations:


Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


Transfers SOPHIATX from one account to another. API call creates "transfer" operation in requested json format.


  • from - sender account
  • to - recipient account
  • amount - amount of SPHTX tokens to be transfered
  • memo - custom note

  • Result:

  • op - operation "transfer" created in required json format.

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "from": "",
      "to": "",
      "amount": "0.000000 SPHTX",
      "memo": ""
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "from": "",
          "to": "",
          "amount": "0.000000SPHTX",
          "memo": ""
    Real Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.transfer", "params": {"from": "7HLPQ1kpnAIWawkAEgcoN4I7qJY", "to": "YWV2w-Q5eB3e0gt_nKS1m85sc0U", "amount": "1000.000000 SPHTX","memo": "some note"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "op": [
            "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
            "from": "user1",
            "to": "7HLPQ1kpnAIWawkAEgcoN4I7qJY",
            "amount": "1000.000000 SPHTX",
            "memo": "some note"
      "id": 1


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Transfer SPHTX into a vesting fund represented by vesting shares (VESTS). VESTS are required to vesting for a minimum of one coin year and can be withdrawn once a week over a two year withdraw period. VESTS are protected against dilution up until 90% of SPHTX is vesting.
    API call creates "transfer_to_vesting" operation in requested json format.


  • from - account the SPHTX is coming from i.e. "account_name"
  • to - account getting the VESTS i.e. "account_name"
  • amount - amount of SPHTX to vest i.e. "100.00 SPHTX"

  • Result:

  • op - operation "transfer_to_vesting" created in required json format.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"from": "", "to": "", "amount": "0.000000 SPHTX"}
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "from": "",
          "to": "",
          "amount": "0.000000SPHTX"
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.transfer_to_vesting", "params": {"from":"","to":"","amount":"0.000000 SPHTX"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Set up a vesting withdraw request. The request is fulfilled once a week over the next two year (104 weeks).
    API call creates "withdraw_vesting" operation in requested json format.


  • from - account the VESTS are withdrawn from i.e. "account_name".
  • vesting_shares The amount of VESTS to withdraw over the next two years. Each week (amount/104) shares are withdrawn and deposited back as SPHTX. i.e. "10.000000 VESTS".

  • Result:

  • op - operation "withdraw_vesting" created in required json format.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"from": "", "vesting_shares": "0.000000 SPHTX"}
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "account": "",
          "vesting_shares": "0.000000SPHTX"
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.withdraw_vesting", "params": {"from":"","vesting_shares":"0.000000 SPHTX"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Recovers funds from the promotion pool. Only initminer can do that.

    Example Op.


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Creates new account in blockchain.
    API call creates operation ‘account_create’ in required json format


  • creator - existing account. It can be later used to regenerate private key of created account
  • name_seed - seed name of the new account
  • json_meta - any data related to the new account
  • owner - owner public key. Paired private key has full control over this account
  • active - active public key. Paired private key has restricted control over this account
  • memo - memo public key. It is used for encrypting messages meant to be read only by this account. Paired private is used fot decrypting

  • Response

  • op - operation "account_create" created in required json format

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "creator": "",
      "name_seed": "",
      "json_meta": "",
      "owner": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
      "active": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
      "memo": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm"
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "creator": "",
          "name_seed": "",
          "owner": {
            "weight_threshold": 0,
            "account_auths": [],
            "key_auths": []
          "active": {
            "weight_threshold": 0,
            "account_auths": [],
            "key_auths": []
          "memo_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
          "json_metadata": ""
    Real Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.create_account", "params": {"creator": "user1","name_seed": "sophiatx_user","json_meta": "{\"data\":\"anything related to the sophiatx_user\"}","owner": "SPH7qASF1CfENDRWdKC5gQCktydRQM2aY3i1d9wFdu1fjpURgTxiw","active": "SPH5ekkeER1xi3EDoxoggo2ruMgPazKsGa8Pj44qrD326oDk5rgKP","memo": "SPH4vtSio7iGMggFboydFjgRZknPEH1BExcN3r4rjb9iznJQr7Mqy"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "op": [
            "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
            "creator": "user1",
            "name_seed": "sophiatx_user",
            "owner": {
              "weight_threshold": 1,
              "account_auths": [],
              "key_auths": [
            "active": {
              "weight_threshold": 1,
              "account_auths": [],
              "key_auths": [
            "memo_key": "SPH4vtSio7iGMggFboydFjgRZknPEH1BExcN3r4rjb9iznJQr7Mqy",
            "json_metadata": "{\"data\":\"anything related to the sophiatx_user\"}"
      "id": 1


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Updates existing account in blockchain.
    API call creates "account_update" operation in requested json format. Updates the keys of an existing account.


  • account_name - name of the account i.e. "account_name"
  • json_meta - new JSON Metadata to be associated with the account
  • owner - new public owner key for the account
  • active - new public active key for the account
  • memo - new public memo key for the account

  • Result:

  • op - operation "account_update" created in required json format.

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "account_name": "",
      "json_meta": "",
      "owner": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
      "active": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
      "memo": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm"
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "account": "",
          "memo_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
          "json_metadata": ""
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.update_account", "params": {"account_name":"","json_meta":"","owner":"SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm","active":"SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm","memo":"SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Deletes existing account in blockchain.
    API call creates “account_delete” operation in requested json format.


  • account_name - name of the account to be deleted

  • Response:

  • op - operation "account_delete" created in required json format.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"account_name": ""}
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
        {"fee": "0.000000 SPHTX", "account": ""}
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.delete_account", "params": {"account_name":""}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    All account recovery requests come from a listed recovery account. This is secure based on the assumption that only a trusted account should be a recovery account. It is the responsibility of the recovery account to verify the identity of the account holder of the account to recover by whichever means they have agreed upon. The blockchain assumes identity has been verified when this operation is broadcast.

    This operation creates an account recovery request which the account to recover has 24 hours to respond to before the request expires and is invalidated.

    There can only be one active recovery request per account at any one time. Pushing this operation for an account to recover when it already has an active request will either update the request to a new new owner authority and extend the request expiration to 24 hours from the current head block time or it will delete the request. To cancel a request, simply set the weight threshold of the new owner authority to 0, making it an open authority.

    Additionally, the new owner authority must be satisfiable. In other words, the sum of the key weights must be greater than or equal to the weight threshold.

    This operation only needs to be signed by the the recovery account. The account to recover confirms its identity to the blockchain in the recover account operation.


  • recovery_account - The recovery account is listed as the recovery account on the account to recover.
  • account_to_recover - The account to recover. This is likely due to a compromised owner authority.
  • new_owner_authority - The new owner authority the account to recover wishes to have. This is secret known by the account to recover and will be confirmed in a recover_account.

  • Example Op.
      "op": [
          "recovery_account": "sophiatx",
          "account_to_recover": "alice",
          "new_owner_authority": {
            "weight_threshold": 1,
            "account_auths": [],
            "key_auths": [
          "extensions": []


    Recover an account to a new authority using a previous authority and verification of the recovery account as proof of identity. This operation can only succeed if there was a recovery request sent by the account’s recover account.

    In order to recover the account, the account holder must provide proof of past ownership and proof of identity to the recovery account. Being able to satisfy an owner authority that was used in the past 30 days is sufficient to prove past ownership. The get_owner_history function in the database API returns past owner authorities that are valid for account recovery.

    Proving identity is an off chain contract between the account holder and the recovery account. The recovery request contains a new authority which must be satisfied by the account holder to regain control. The actual process of verifying authority may become complicated, but that is an application level concern, not a blockchain concern.

    This operation requires both the past and future owner authorities in the operation because neither of them can be derived from the current chain state. The operation must be signed by keys that satisfy both the new owner authority and the recent owner authority. Failing either fails the operation entirely.

    If a recovery request was made inadvertantly, the account holder should contact the recovery account to have the request deleted.

    The two setp combination of the account recovery request and recover is safe because the recovery account never has access to secrets of the account to recover. They simply act as an on chain endorsement of off chain identity. In other systems, a fork would be required to enforce such off chain state. Additionally, an account cannot be permanently recovered to the wrong account. While any owner authority from the past 30 days can be used, including a compromised authority, the account can be continually recovered until the recovery account is confident a combination of uncompromised authorities were used to recover the account. The actual process of verifying authority may become complicated, but that is an application level concern, not the blockchain’s concern.

    Example Op.
      "op": [
          "account_to_recover": "alice",
          "new_owner_authority": {
            "weight_threshold": 1,
            "account_auths": [],
            "key_auths": [
          "recent_owner_authority": {
            "weight_threshold": 1,
            "account_auths": [],
            "key_auths": [
          "extensions": []


    Each account lists another account as their recovery account. The recovery account has the ability to create account_recovery_requests for the account to recover. An account can change their recovery account at any time with a 30 day delay. This delay is to prevent an attacker from changing the recovery account to a malicious account during an attack. These 30 days match the 30 days that an owner authority is valid for recovery purposes.

    On account creation the recovery account is set either to the creator of the account (The account that pays the creation fee and is a signer on the transaction) or to the empty string if the account was mined. An account with no recovery has the top voted witness as a recovery account, at the time the recover request is created. Note - This does mean the effective recovery account of an account with no listed recovery account can change at any time as witness vote weights. The top voted witness is explicitly the most trusted witness according to stake.

    Example Op.
      "op": [
          "account_to_recover": "alice",
          "new_recovery_account": "bob",
          "extensions": []


    This operation allows recovery_accoutn to change account_to_reset’s owner authority to new_owner_authority after 60 days of inactivity.

    Example Op.
      "op": [
          "reset_account": "alice",
          "account_to_reset": "bob",
          "new_owner_authority": {
            "weight_threshold": 1,
            "account_auths": [],
            "key_auths": [


    This operation allows ‘account’ owner to control which account has the power to execute the ‘reset_account_operation’ after 60 days.

    Example Op.
      "op": [
          "account": "alice",
          "current_reset_account": "bob",
          "reset_account": "sophiatx"


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Creates custom application in blockchain
    . API call returns “application_create” operation in required format. There is a fee associated with account creation that is paid by the creator. The current account creation fee can be found with the ‘info’ alexandria command.


  • author - account creating the new application i.e. "account_name"
  • app_name - unique name for new application
  • url - url of the new application
  • meta_data - meta data of new application
  • price_param - price parameter that specifies billing for the app

  • Response

  • op - "application_create" operation in required format

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "author": "",
      "app_name": "",
      "url": "",
      "meta_data": "",
      "price_param": 0
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "author": "",
          "name": "",
          "url": "",
          "metadata": "",
          "price_param": 0
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.create_application", "params": {"author":"","app_name":"","url":"","meta_data":"","price_param":0}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Updates custom application in blockchain
    . API call returns "application_update" operation in requested json format. Updates existing application object.


  • author - author of application i.e. "account_name"
  • app_name - name of app that will be updated
  • new_author - new author i.e. "account_name"
  • url - updated url
  • meta_data - updated meta data
  • price_param - updated price param

  • Result:

  • op - operation "application_update" created in required json format.

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "author": "",
      "app_name": "",
      "new_author": "",
      "url": "",
      "meta_data": "",
      "price_param": 0
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "author": "",
          "name": "",
          "url": "",
          "metadata": ""
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.update_application", "params": {"author":"","app_name":"","new_author":"","url":"","meta_data":"","price_param":0}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Deletes custom application in blockchain
    . API call returns “application_delete” operation in required format. Request

  • author - author of application that will be deleted i.e. "account_name"
  • app_name - name of app that will be deleted
  • Response

  • op - "application_delete" operation in required format

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"author": "", "app_name": ""}
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "author": "",
          "name": ""
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.delete_application", "params": {"author":"","app_name":""}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Buys custom application in blockchain
    . API call returns “buy_application” operation in required format.


  • buyer - buyer of application i.e. "account_name"
  • app_id - id of application that buyer will buy

  • Response

  • op - "buy_application" operation in required format

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"buyer": "", "app_id": 0}
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "buyer": "",
          "app_id": 0
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.buy_application", "params": {"buyer":"","app_id":0}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Cancel custom application buying in blockchain
    . API call returns “cancel_application_buying” operation in required format.


  • app_owner - owner of bought application i.e. "account_name"
  • buyer - buyer of application i.e. "account_name"
  • app_id - id of application that buyer will buy

  • Response

  • op - "cancel_application_buying" operation in required format

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"app_owner": "", "buyer": "", "app_id": 0}
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "app_owner": "",
          "buyer": "",
          "app_id": 0
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.cancel_application_buying", "params": {"app_owner":"","buyer":"","app_id":0}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Saves custom binary data in blockchain
    . API call returns "custom_binary" operation in requested json format. Request:

  • app_id - application-specific id
  • from - sender account
  • to - recipients accounts
  • data - data in base64 format
  • Result:

  • op - operation "custom_binary" created in required json format. Important - "data" field inside operation is in hex format

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"app_id": 0, "from": "", "to": [], "data": ""}
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "sender": "",
          "recipients": [],
          "app_id": 0,
          "data": ""
    Real Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.make_custom_binary_operation", "params": {"app_id": 10, "from": "user1", "to": ["user2", "user3"], "data": "SGVsbG8gU29waGlhVFg="}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "sender": "user1",
          "recipients": ["user2", "user3"],
          "app_id": 10,
          "data": "48656c6c6f20536f706869615458"


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Saves custom json data in blockchain
    . API call returns "custom_json" operation in requested json format.


  • app_id - application-specific id
  • from - sender account
  • to - recipients accounts
  • data - any valid data json data
  • Result:

  • op - operation "custom_json" created in required json format.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"app_id": 0, "from": "", "to": [], "json": ""}
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
    {"op": []}
    Real Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.make_custom_json_operation", "params": {"app_id": 10, "from": "user1", "to": ["user2", "user3"], "json": "{\"data\":\"any valid json data\"}"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "sender": "user1",
          "recipients": ["user2", "user3"],
          "app_id": 10,
          "json": "{\"data\":\"any valid json data\"}"


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Sets up sponsoring account for another account fees
    . API call returns "sponsor_fees" operation in requested json format.


  • sponsoring_account - account name that will sponsor fees
  • sponsored_account - account that will be sponsored
  • is_sponsoring - true or false if you want to enable/disable this operation

  • Response

  • op - creates \"sponsor_fees\" operation

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "sponsoring_account": "",
      "sponsored_account": "",
      "is_sponsoring": false
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "sponsor": "",
          "sponsored": "",
          "is_sponsoring": false
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.sponsor_account_fees", "params": {"sponsoring_account":"","sponsored_account":"","is_sponsoring":false}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Stops witness.
    . API call returns "witness_stop" operation in requested json format. Stop being a witness,effectively deleting the witness object owned by the given account.


  • witness_name - name of the witness account i.e. "account_name"

  • Response

  • op - creates \"witness_stop\" operation

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"witness_account_name": ""}
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
        {"fee": "0.000000 SPHTX", "owner": ""}
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.stop_witness", "params": {"witness_account_name":""}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Updates witness.
    . API call returns "witness_update" operation in requested json format. Updates a witness object owned by the given account.


  • witness_name - the name of the witness account.
  • url - url containing some information about the witness. The empty string makes it remain the same.
  • block_signing_key - new block signing public key. The empty string disables block production.
  • props - chain properties the witness is voting on.

  • Result:

  • op - operation "witness_update" created in required json format.

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "witness_account_name": "",
      "url": "",
      "block_signing_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
      "props": {
        "account_creation_fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
        "maximum_block_size": 262144,
        "price_feeds": []
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "owner": "",
          "url": "",
          "block_signing_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
          "props": {
            "account_creation_fee": "0.000000SPHTX",
            "maximum_block_size": 262144,
            "price_feeds": []
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.update_witness", "params": {"witness_account_name":"","url":"","block_signing_key":"SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm","props":{"account_creation_fee":"0.000000 SPHTX","maximum_block_size":262144,"price_feeds":[]}}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Sets the voting proxy for an account. If a user does not wish to take an active part in voting,they can choose to allow another account to vote their stake. Setting a vote proxy does not remove your previous votes from the blockchain, they remain there but are ignored. If you later null out your vote proxy, your previous votes will take effect again. This setting can be changed at any time.
    API call returns "account_witness_proxy" operation in requested json format.


  • account_to_modify - the name or id of the account to update i.e. "account_name"
  • proxy - the name of account that should proxy to or empty string to have no proxy

  • Response

  • op - creates \"account_witness_proxy\" operation

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"account_to_modify": "", "proxy": ""}
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "account": "",
          "proxy": ""
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.set_voting_proxy", "params": {"account_to_modify":"","proxy":""}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Replaces the witness_update which was not easily extendable. While it is recommended to use witness_set_properties, witness_update will continue to work

    Example Op.
      "op": [
          "owner": "alice",
          "props": {
            "account_creation_fee": "0.000 SPHTX",
            "account_subsidy_budget": 10000,
            "account_subsidy_decay": 330782,
            "maximum_block_size": 65536,
            "sbd_interest_rate": "0.000 SPHTX",
            "sbd_exchange_rate": {
              "base": "0.000 SBD",
              "quote": "0.000 SPHTX"
            "url": "68747470733A2F2F737465656D69742E636F6D",
            "new_signing_key": "25688bbe7b1204f26e40be054c8b2ff1997eec6d4e7be6a105aab8a0e6f11c616d7cb6066"
          "extensions": []


    Add description.
    This opertion can be used only in private nets.

    Example Op.
    {"op": ["add name", {}]}


    Helper API simplified call to create this operation in required format exists! See below!


    Creates "account_witness_vote" operation in requested json format. Vote for a witness to become a block producer. By default an account has not voted positively or negatively for a witness. The account can either vote for with positively votes or against with negative votes. The vote will remain until updated with another vote. Vote strength is determined by the accounts vesting shares.


  • account_to_vote_with - account voting for a witness i.e. "account_name".
  • witness_to_vote_for - witness that is being voted for i.e. "account_name".
  • approve - true if the account is voting for the account to be able to be a block produce.

  • Result:

  • op - operation "account_witness_vote" created in required json format.

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "voting_account": "",
      "witness_to_vote_for": "",
      "approve": false
    Example Op. (& Expected Response JSON)
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "account": "",
          "witness": "",
          "approve": true
    Default (Incomplete params values) Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.vote_for_witness", "params": {"voting_account":"","witness_to_vote_for":"","approve":false}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Feeds can only be published by the top N witnesses which are included in every round and are used to define the exchange rate between sophiatx and the fiat currencies.

    Represents quotation of the relative value of asset against another asset. Similar to "currency pair" used to determine value of currencies.

    For example:
    1 SPHTX / 1.25 USD where:
    1 SPHTX is an asset specified as a base
    1.25 USD us an asset specified as a quote

    can determine value of SPHTX against USD.

    Example Op.
      "op": [
          "publisher": "user1",
          "exchange_rate": {
            "base": {"amount": 1, "symbol": "SPHTX"},
            "quote": {"amount": 1.25, "symbol": "USD"}


    The purpose of this operation is to enable someone to send money contingently to another individual. The funds leave the from account and go into a temporary balance where they are held until from releases it to to or to refunds it to from.

    In the event of a dispute the agent can divide the funds between the to/from account. Disputes can be raised any time before or on the dispute deadline time, after the escrow has been approved by all parties.

    This operation only creates a proposed escrow transfer. Both the agent and to must agree to the terms of the arrangement by approving the escrow.

    The escrow agent is paid the fee on approval of all parties. It is up to the escrow agent to determine the fee.

    Escrow transactions are uniquely identified by ‘from’ and ‘escrow_id’, the ‘escrow_id’ is defined by the sender.

    Example Op.
      "op": [
          "from": "alice",
          "to": "bob",
          "sophiatx_amount": {"amount": "1.000000", "symbol": "SPHTX"},
          "escrow_id": 23456789,
          "agent": "charlie",
          "escrow_fee": {"amount": "0.1", "symbol": "USD"},
          "json_meta": "{}",
          "ratification_deadline": "2017-02-26T11:22:39",
          "escrow_expiration": "2017-02-28T11:22:39"


    The agent and to accounts must approve an escrow transaction for it to be valid on the blockchain. Once a part approves the escrow, they cannot revoke their approval. Subsequent escrow approve operations, regardless of the approval, will be rejected.

    Example Op.
      "op": [
          "from": "alice",
          "to": "bob",
          "agent": "charlie",
          "who": "charlie",
          "escrow_id": 59102208,
          "approve": true


    If either the sender or receiver of an escrow payment has an issue, they can raise it for dispute. Once a payment is in dispute, the agent has authority over who gets what.

    Example Op.
      "op": [
          "from": "alice",
          "to": "bob",
          "agent": "charlie",
          "who": "alice",
          "escrow_id": 72526562


    This operation can be used by anyone associated with the escrow transfer to release funds if they have permission.

    The permission scheme is as follows

  • If there is no dispute and escrow has not expired, either party can release funds to the other.
  • If escrow expires and there is no dispute, either party can release funds to either party.
  • If there is a dispute regardless of expiration, the agent can release funds to either party following whichever agreement was in place between the parties.

  • Example Op.
      "op": [
          "from": "alice",
          "to": "bob",
          "agent": "charlie",
          "who": "charlie",
          "receiver": "bob",
          "escrow_id": 72526562,
          "sbd_amount": {
            "amount": "5000",
            "precision": 3,
            "nai": "@@000000013"
          "steem_amount": {
            "amount": "0",
            "precision": 3,
            "nai": "@@000000021"

    Alexandria Api

    Most of the alexandria_api method’s are just for reading data from blockchain. How to actually write data into blockchain, see Supported operations.

    List of supported calls:

    Returns info about the current state of the blockchain

    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
      "info": {
        "head_block_number": 175238,
        "head_block_id": "0002ac86e5ffc83ed0d1a3a8823dfd40c5a10171",
        "time": "2018-11-13T13:19:18",
        "current_witness": "initminer",
        "current_supply": "350076100.030352 SPHTX",
        "total_vesting_shares": "20895.823972 VESTS",
        "witness_required_vesting": "250000.000000 VESTS",
        "maximum_block_size": 262144,
        "current_aslot": 3429986,
        "recent_slots_filled": "340282366920938463463374607431768211455",
        "participation_count": 128,
        "last_irreversible_block_num": 175187,
        "average_block_size": 25,
        "witness_majority_version": "0.0.0",
        "hardfork_version": "1.0.0",
        "head_block_age": "2 seconds old",
        "participation": "100.00000000000000000",
        "median_sbd1_price": {
          "base": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "quote": "0.000000 SPHTX"
        "median_sbd2_price": {
          "base": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "quote": "0.000000 SPHTX"
        "median_sbd3_price": {
          "base": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "quote": "0.000000 SPHTX"
        "median_sbd4_price": {
          "base": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "quote": "0.000000 SPHTX"
        "median_sbd5_price": {
          "base": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "quote": "0.000000 SPHTX"
        "account_creation_fee": "0.000000 SPHTX"
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "", "params": {}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Returns info such as client version, git version of graphene/fc, version of boost, openssl.

    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
      "about": {
        "blockchain_version": "1.0.0",
        "client_version": "1.0.0-260-gd3032b2",
        "sophiatx_revision": "d3032b2840d0c5838df512532f98b28a2ce491e6",
        "sophiatx_revision_age": "11 days ago",
        "fc_revision": "b2b6ed37e8172eeddd3e167cba13a3aac83f409c",
        "fc_revision_age": "14 days ago",
        "compile_date": "compiled on Nov 12 2018 at 16:25:29",
        "boost_version": "1.67",
        "openssl_version": "OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018",
        "build": "linux 64-bit",
        "server_blockchain_version": "1.0.0",
        "server_sophiatx_revision": "d3032b2840d0c5838df512532f98b28a2ce491e6",
        "server_fc_revision": "b2b6ed37e8172eeddd3e167cba13a3aac83f409c",
        "chain_id": "f8174877749eb3b8ba9202be14c2179c265e72de93f7c9dcd1d943dd03664352"
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.about", "params": {}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Returns the versions of blockchain, SophiaTX, and FC.

    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
      "version_info": {
        "blockchain_version": "1.0.0",
        "sophiatx_revision": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "fc_revision": "",
        "chain_id": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.get_version", "params": {}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "version_info": {
          "blockchain_version": "1.0.0",
          "sophiatx_revision": "d3032b2840d0c5838df512532f98b28a2ce491e6",
          "fc_revision": "b2b6ed37e8172eeddd3e167cba13a3aac83f409c",
          "chain_id": "f8174877749eb3b8ba9202be14c2179c265e72de93f7c9dcd1d943dd03664352"
      "id": 1


    Returns the current dynamic global properties. See Understanding Dynamic Global Properties

    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
      "properties": {
        "head_block_number": 0,
        "head_block_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "current_witness": "",
        "current_supply": "0.000000 SPHTX",
        "total_vesting_shares": "0.000000 VESTS",
        "witness_required_vesting": "0.000000 VESTS",
        "maximum_block_size": 0,
        "current_aslot": 0,
        "recent_slots_filled": "0",
        "participation_count": 0,
        "last_irreversible_block_num": 0,
        "average_block_size": 0
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.get_dynamic_global_properties", "params": {}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "properties": {
          "head_block_number": 58019,
          "head_block_id": "0000e2a396fb66a55ae156bf48ce26105b984826",
          "time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
          "current_witness": "initminer",
          "current_supply": "350015744.660303 SPHTX",
          "total_vesting_shares": "4169.375986 VESTS",
          "witness_required_vesting": "250000.000000 VESTS",
          "maximum_block_size": 262144,
          "current_aslot": 7835941,
          "recent_slots_filled": "340282366920938463463374607431768211455",
          "participation_count": 128,
          "last_irreversible_block_num": 57968,
          "average_block_size": 49
      "id": 1


    Returns all accounts that have the key associated with their owner or active authorities.


  • keys - public keys

  • Response

  • accounts - accounts associated with input public keys

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "keys": [
    Expected Response JSON
    {"accounts": [["dsgrjxA6FHQA2CV4W-vezsaYrQQ"]]}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.get_key_references", "params": {"keys":["SPH53jwLxn81x9TNir88SHGEtbtrrU5h3Pf4cyoehY22xw4Xg3zyk"]}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Check if account exists


  • account_name

  • Response

  • account_exist - true if provided account exists, otherwise false

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"account_name": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"account_exist": false}


    Add custom fee to the operation


  • op - Operation where the fee is added
  • fee - Fee to be added

  • Response

  • op - operation with adjusted fee

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "from": "",
          "to": "",
          "amount": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "memo": ""
      "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX"
    Expected Response JSON
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "from": "",
          "to": "",
          "amount": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "memo": ""


    Adds signature to the provided transaction


  • tx - unsigned transaction
  • signature - signature that will be add to transaction

  • Response

  • signed_tx - signed transaction

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
      "signature": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    Expected Response JSON
      "signed_tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []


    Broadcasts a transaction into the network and waits for it to be processed synchronously.

    There are 4 previous steps that needs to be done before broadcast is called.
    All of them can and should be done locally, not on the blockchain side !!! For inspiration, see

  • alexandria_api.create_simple_transaction
  • alexandria_api.get_transaction_digest
  • alexandria_api.sign_digest
  • alexandria_api.add_siganture
  • or

  • alexandria_api.send_and_sign_operation
  • that combines all the previous calls into one.


  • tx - signed transaction

  • Response

  • tx - broadcasted transaction with block information that it is included in

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
    Expected Response JSON
      "tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": [],
        "transaction_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "block_num": 0,
        "transaction_num": 0


    Returns required fee for the given operation.


  • op - operation to be evaluated
  • symbol - symbol of the fee paying currency

  • Response

  • fee - calculated required fee

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "from": "",
          "to": "",
          "amount": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "memo": ""
      "symbol": "SPHTX"
    Expected Response JSON
    {"fee": "0.000000 SPHTX"}


    Creates simple authority from provided public key.


  • pub_key

  • Response

  • simple_authority

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "pub_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm"
    Expected Response JSON
      "simple_authority": {
        "weight_threshold": 0,
        "account_auths": [],
        "key_auths": []


    Creates simple managed authority from provided account name.


  • managing_account - i.e. "account_name"

  • Response

  • simple_managed_authority

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"managing_account": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
      "simple_managed_authority": {
        "weight_threshold": 0,
        "account_auths": [],
        "key_auths": []


    Creates simple multisig authority from provided public keys.


  • pub_keys - list of public keys
  • required_signatures - number of required signatures

  • Response

  • simple_multisig_authority

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"pub_keys": [], "required_signatures": 0}
    Expected Response JSON
      "simple_multisig_authority": {
        "weight_threshold": 0,
        "account_auths": [],
        "key_auths": []


    Creates simple multisig managed authority from provided account_name.


  • managing_accounts - vector of accounts i.e. ["account_name"]
  • required_signatures - number of required signatures

  • Response

  • simple_multisig_managed_authority

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "managing_accounts": [],
      "required_signatures": 0
    Expected Response JSON
      "simple_multisig_managed_authority": {
        "weight_threshold": 0,
        "account_auths": [],
        "key_auths": []


    Creates transaction in requirded format from provided single operation.


  • op - operation that should be in this transaction

  • Response

  • simple_tx - created transaction with provided operation

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "op": [
          "fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "sender": "user1",
          "recipients": ["user2", "user3"],
          "app_id": 10,
          "json": "{\"data\":\"any valid json data\"}"
    Expected Response JSON
      "simple_tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 3701,
        "ref_block_prefix": 914684397,
        "expiration": "2019-04-04T13:24:15",
        "operations": [
              "fee": "0.010000 SPHTX",
              "sender": "user1",
              "recipients": ["user2", "user3"],
              "app_id": 10,
              "json": "{\"data\":\"any valid json data\"}"
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.create_simple_transaction", "params": {"op":["custom_json",{"fee":"0.000000 SPHTX","sender":"user1","recipients":["user2","user3"],"app_id":10,"json":"{\"data\":\"any valid json data\"}"}]}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Creates transaction in requirded format from provided list of operations.


  • op_vec - list of operations that should be in this transaction

  • Response

  • simple_tx - created transaction with provided operations

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"op_vec": []}
    Expected Response JSON
      "tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []


    Query Parameters JSON
      "return_id": 0,
      "app_id": 0,
      "account_name": "",
      "search_type": "",
      "start": 0
    Expected Response JSON
    {"subscription": 0}


    Decrypts provided data.


  • data - data to be decrypted
  • public_key - public key of sender
  • private_key - private key of recipient

  • Response

  • decrypted_data - decrypted data

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "data": "",
      "public_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
      "private_key": ""
    Expected Response JSON
    {"decrypted_data": ""}


    Encrypts provided data.


  • data - data to be encrypted
  • public_key - public key of sender
  • private_key - private key of recipient

  • Response

  • encrypted_data - decrypted data

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "data": "",
      "public_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
      "private_key": ""
    Expected Response JSON
    {"encrypted_data": ""}


    Converts the given amount of fiat to sphtx.


  • fiat - amount to be converted

  • Response

  • sphtx - amount of SPHTX if conversion is possible,or returns back fiat if not.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"fiat": "0.000000 EUR"}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"sphtx": "0.000000 SPHTX"}


    Encodes data to base64.


  • data - data to encoded

  • Response

  • base64_str - encoded data.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"data": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"base64_str": ""}


    Decodes data from base64.


  • data - data to decoded

  • Response

  • str - decoded data.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"data": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"str": ""}


    Generates public/private key pair.

    This functionality should be done locally in SDK and not remotely !!!


  • key_pair - generated pair of keys.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
      "key_pair": {
        "pub_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
        "wif_priv_key": ""
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.generate_key_pair", "params": {}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "key_pair": {
          "pub_key": "SPH59JiJ8xruCD1HdRAGJemfMnUwr5KUm8dJXYe6R5fFdkD3UhsU7",
          "wif_priv_key": "5KEAAt3W2nrc61ZMkrLLbqSK9wqi8N3Afrr1sWDb7Q7xd9CPHz7"
      "id": 1


    Generates public/private key pair based on brain key.

    This functionality should be done locally in SDK and not remotely !!!


  • brain_key - brain key for generating key pair

  • Response

  • key_pair - generated pair of keys.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"brain_key": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
      "key_pair": {
        "pub_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
        "wif_priv_key": ""


    Returns account name saved in blockchain based on human-readable seed name.

    In all further transactions that write data into blockchain, real blockchain account name must be used. !!!


  • seed - seed/human-readble account name

  • Response

  • account_name - real account name saved in blockchain.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"seed": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"account_name": ""}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.get_account_name_from_seed", "params": {"seed" : "sophiatx_user"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {"account_name": "7HLPQ1kpnAIWawkAEgcoN4I7qJY"},
      "id": 1


    Returns account info specified by name. Either seed name or blockchain real account name can be used.


  • account_name - name of the account to provide information about i.e. "account_name"

  • Response

  • account - public account info stored in the blockchain.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"account_name": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
      "account": [
          "id": 0,
          "name": "",
          "owner": {
            "weight_threshold": 0,
            "account_auths": [],
            "key_auths": []
          "active": {
            "weight_threshold": 0,
            "account_auths": [],
            "key_auths": []
          "memo_key": "",
          "json_metadata": "{}",
          "voting_proxy": "",
          "balance": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "vesting_shares": "0.000000 VESTS",
          "vesting_withdraw_rate": "0.000000 VESTS",
          "to_withdraw": 0,
          "witness_votes": [],
          "sponsored_accounts": [],
          "sponsoring_account": ""
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.get_account", "params": {"account_name" : "sophiatx_user"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.get_account", "params": {"account_name" : "7HLPQ1kpnAIWawkAEgcoN4I7qJY"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "account": [
            "id": 50,
            "name": "7HLPQ1kpnAIWawkAEgcoN4I7qJY",
            "owner": {
              "weight_threshold": 1,
              "account_auths": [],
              "key_auths": [
            "active": {
              "weight_threshold": 1,
              "account_auths": [],
              "key_auths": [
            "memo_key": "SPH4vtSio7iGMggFboydFjgRZknPEH1BExcN3r4rjb9iznJQr7Mqy",
            "json_metadata": "{\"data\":\"anything related to the sophiatx_user\"}",
            "voting_proxy": "",
            "balance": "0.000000 SPHTX",
            "vesting_shares": "0.000000 VESTS",
            "vesting_withdraw_rate": "0.000000 VESTS",
            "to_withdraw": 0,
            "witness_votes": [],
            "sponsored_accounts": [],
            "sponsoring_account": ""
      "id": 1
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "account": [
            "id": 50,
            "name": "7HLPQ1kpnAIWawkAEgcoN4I7qJY",
            "owner": {
              "weight_threshold": 1,
              "account_auths": [],
              "key_auths": [
            "active": {
              "weight_threshold": 1,
              "account_auths": [],
              "key_auths": [
            "memo_key": "SPH4vtSio7iGMggFboydFjgRZknPEH1BExcN3r4rjb9iznJQr7Mqy",
            "json_metadata": "{\"data\":\"anything related to the sophiatx_user\"}",
            "voting_proxy": "",
            "balance": "0.000000 SPHTX",
            "vesting_shares": "0.000000 VESTS",
            "vesting_withdraw_rate": "0.000000 VESTS",
            "to_withdraw": 0,
            "witness_votes": [],
            "sponsored_accounts": [],
            "sponsoring_account": ""
      "id": 1


    Returns accounts info specified by names. Either seed names or blockchain real account names can be used.


  • account_names - list of account names to provide information about

  • Response

  • accounts - public accounts info stored in the blockchain.

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "account_names": [
    Expected Response JSON
      "accounts": [
          "id": 0,
          "name": "",
          "owner": {
            "weight_threshold": 0,
            "account_auths": [],
            "key_auths": []
          "active": {
            "weight_threshold": 0,
            "account_auths": [],
            "key_auths": []
          "memo_key": "",
          "json_metadata": "{}",
          "voting_proxy": "",
          "balance": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "vesting_shares": "0.000000 VESTS",
          "vesting_withdraw_rate": "0.000000 VESTS",
          "to_withdraw": 0,
          "witness_votes": [],
          "sponsored_accounts": [],
          "sponsoring_account": "",
          "vesting_balance": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "transfer_history": [],
          "other_history": []
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.get_accounts", "params": {"account_names":["dsgrjxA6FHQA2CV4W-vezsaYrQQ", "ayp1dsJTvH13b8k_4aXTZC5rp5g"]}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "accounts": [
            "id": 44,
            "name": "dsgrjxA6FHQA2CV4W-vezsaYrQQ",
            "owner": {
              "weight_threshold": 1,
              "account_auths": [],
              "key_auths": [
            "active": {
              "weight_threshold": 1,
              "account_auths": [],
              "key_auths": [
            "memo_key": "SPH8eAn9t5ryjarx88uvXvFoysBYqaRLNhpTNFgqdBWjSHLoonypi",
            "json_metadata": "{}",
            "voting_proxy": "",
            "balance": "0.000000 SPHTX",
            "vesting_shares": "0.000000 VESTS",
            "vesting_withdraw_rate": "0.000000 VESTS",
            "to_withdraw": 0,
            "witness_votes": [],
            "sponsored_accounts": [],
            "sponsoring_account": "",
            "vesting_balance": "0.000000 SPHTX",
            "transfer_history": [],
            "other_history": []
            "id": 45,
            "name": "ayp1dsJTvH13b8k_4aXTZC5rp5g",
            "owner": {
              "weight_threshold": 1,
              "account_auths": [],
              "key_auths": [
            "active": {
              "weight_threshold": 1,
              "account_auths": [],
              "key_auths": [
            "memo_key": "SPH7s5uMfDoKwPXiczxp23j7SaAvWBDvZNak3aNegLaB6SPEp1S3u",
            "json_metadata": "{}",
            "voting_proxy": "",
            "balance": "0.000000 SPHTX",
            "vesting_shares": "0.000000 VESTS",
            "vesting_withdraw_rate": "0.000000 VESTS",
            "to_withdraw": 0,
            "witness_votes": [],
            "sponsored_accounts": [],
            "sponsoring_account": "",
            "vesting_balance": "0.000000 SPHTX",
            "transfer_history": [],
            "other_history": []
      "id": 1


    Returns account balance in SOPHIATX_SATOSHIS.


  • account_name - account name to provide balance of

  • Response

  • account_balance - account balande in SOPHIATX_SATOSHIS.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"account_name": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"account_balance": 0}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.get_account_balance", "params": {"account_name":"7HLPQ1kpnAIWawkAEgcoN4I7qJY"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {"account_balance": 1000000000},
      "id": 1


    Returns a history of all operations for a given account. Account operations have sequence numbers from 0 to N where N is the most recent operation. This method returns operations in the range [from-limit,from]


  • account - account whose history will be returned
  • from - the absolute sequence number,-1 means most recent,limit is the number of operations before from.
  • limit - the maximum number of items that can be queried (0 to 1000],must be less than from

  • Response

  • account_history - history of all operations.

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"account": "", "start": 0, "limit": 0}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"account_history": []}


    Returns active authority for given account


  • account_name - account name i.e. "account_name"

  • Response

  • active_authority

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"account_name": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
      "active_authority": {
        "weight_threshold": 0,
        "account_auths": [],
        "key_auths": []


    Returns the list of witnesses producing blocks in the current round (51 Blocks).


  • active_witnesses

  • Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
    {"active_witnesses": []}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.get_active_witnesses", "params": {}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL


    Gets all app buyings by app_name or buyer.


  • name - application id or buyers name i.e. "account_name"
  • search_type - one of "by_buyer","by_app_id"
  • count - number of items to retrieve

  • Response

  • application_buyings

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"name": "", "search_type": "", "count": 0}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"application_buyings": []}


    Gets all application objects.


  • names - list of applications names

  • Response

  • applications

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"names": []}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"applications": []}


    Gets all application objects by their id’s.


  • ids - list of applications id'ss

  • Response

  • applications

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"ids": []}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"applications": []}


    Returns the details of a block based on a block num.


  • block_num - number/height of block

  • Response

  • block - block info

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"num": 0}
    Expected Response JSON
      "block": {
        "previous": "0000e11cfaab5a841cc6f33b6d94efd58d186800",
        "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "witness": "",
        "transaction_merkle_root": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "extensions": [],
        "witness_signature": "",
        "transactions": [],
        "block_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "signing_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
        "transaction_ids": []
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.get_block", "params": {"num":57629}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "block": {
          "previous": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
          "timestamp": "2019-04-15T12:37:33",
          "witness": "",
          "transaction_merkle_root": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
          "extensions": [],
          "witness_signature": "1f56ee79e72e287ed205775c9caf02c805516e28513da8963ecf9ab26d84c5e4bd400553054fb4e51d7c3e2254e4075afd0c9b740f0fcc07869b7419c6af485d86",
          "transactions": [],
          "block_id": "0000e11dcd83233a6d0c8ec43ecaf1626115f86e",
          "signing_key": "SPH6LLegbAgLAy28EHrffBVuANFWcFgmqRMW13wBmTExqFE9SCkg4",
          "transaction_ids": []
      "id": 1


    Returns all operations contained in a block based on a block num.


  • block_num - number/height of block
  • only_virtual - whether to only return virtual operations

  • Response

  • ops_in_block - operations included in block

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"block_num": 0, "only_virtual": false}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"ops_in_block": []}


    Returns the current price feed history for specified symbol.


  • symbol - symbol, for which price feed history is returned.
    Possible values - EUR/USD/CNY/GBP

  • Response

  • feed_history

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"symbol": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
      "feed_history": {
        "id": 0,
        "current_median_price": {
          "base": "0.000000 SPHTX",
          "quote": "0.000000 SPHTX"
        "price_history": []


    Returns public memo key for given account.


  • account_name - account name i.e. "account_name"

  • Response

  • memo_key

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"account_name": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
      "memo_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm"


    Returns public memo key for given account.


  • account_name - account name i.e. "account_name"

  • Response

  • owner_authority

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"account_name": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
      "owner_authority": {
        "weight_threshold": 0,
        "account_auths": [],
        "key_auths": []


    Returns the owner history of an account.


  • account_name - account name i.e. "account_name"

  • Response

  • owner_history

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"account": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"owner_history": []}


    Returns paired public key to provided private key.


  • private_key

  • Response

  • public_key

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"private_key": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
      "public_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm"


    Returns custom json or binary documents that were saved into blockchain filtered by app_id and search_type


  • app_id - general filter
  • account_name - name of account used in search_type filters
  • search type (_reverse in search_types will be deleted in next version)
    • by_sender_reverse
    • by_recipient_reverse
    • by_sender_datetime_reverse
    • by_recipient_datetime_reverse
  • start - index of starting element
  • count - max number of elements to be returned

  • Response

  • received_documents - list of received documents filtered by app_id and search_type

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "app_id": 0,
      "account_name": "",
      "search_type": "",
      "start": 0,
      "count": 10
    Expected Response JSON
    {"received_documents": []}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.get_received_documents", "params": {"app_id": 2,"account_name": "user2","search_type": "by_sender_reverse","start": "0","count": 10}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "received_documents": [
            "id": 4,
            "sender": "user1",
            "recipients": ["user2"],
            "app_id": 1,
            "data": "{\"data\":\"app 1 data\"}",
            "received": "2019-04-05T08:39:42",
            "binary": false
            "id": 5,
            "sender": "user1",
            "recipients": ["user2"],
            "app_id": 1,
            "data": "{\"data\":\"app 1 data idx 2\"}",
            "received": "2019-04-05T08:39:54",
            "binary": false
            "id": 6,
            "sender": "user1",
            "recipients": ["user2"],
            "app_id": 1,
            "data": "{\"data\":\"app 1 data idx 3\"}",
            "received": "2019-04-05T08:40:00",
            "binary": false


    Returns list of public keys (authorities) required for signing provided transaction.


  • tx

  • Response

  • required_signatures

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
    Expected Response JSON
    {"required_signatures": []}


    Returns the details of a transaction based on a transaction id.


  • tx_id - transaction id

  • Response

  • tx - transaction info

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "tx_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    Expected Response JSON
      "tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": [],
        "transaction_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "block_num": 0,
        "transaction_num": 0


    Returns calculated digest of provided transaction.


  • tx - transaction

  • Response

  • tx_digest - calculated digest

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
    Expected Response JSON
      "tx_digest": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


    Returns calculated transaction id based on provided transaction in json.


  • tx - transaction

  • Response

  • tx_id - calculated transaction id

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
    Expected Response JSON
      "tx_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


    Returns vestig balance for given account in SOPHIATX_SATOSHIS.


  • account_name - account name i.e. "account_name"

  • Response

  • vesting_balance - in SOPHIATX_SATOSHIS

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"account_name": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"vesting_balance": 0}


    Returns information about the given witness..


  • owner_account - name or id of the witness account owner i.e. "account_name",or the id of the witness

  • Response

  • witness(optional) - information about the witness stored in the block chain

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"owner_account": ""}
    Expected Response JSON


    Returns all witnesses registered in the blockchain. This returns a list of all account names that own witnesses and the associated witness id, sorted by name. This lists witnesses whether they are currently voted in or not.


  • start -
  • limit -
  • order -

  • Response

  • witnesses - information about the witnesses stored in the blockchain

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"start": "", "limit": 0, "order": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"witnesses": []}


    Returns current witnesses by vote.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"name": "", "limit": 0}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"witnesses_by_vote": []}


    Creates transaction based on provided operation, signs it and broadcasts it to the network

    This functionality should be done locally in SDK and not remotely !!! Only alexandria_api.broadcast_transaction should be called remotely. See "Internal steps" below.


  • op - any of the supported operations(TODO add link to supported operations)
  • pk - sender private key

  • Response

  • signed_tx - signed, created and broadcasted transaction

  • Internal steps make by this call are equivalent to:

  • tx = alexandria_api.create_simple_transaction(request.op)
  • digest = alexandria_api.get_transaction_digest(tx)
  • signed_digest = alexandria_api.sign_digest(digest,
  • signed_tx = alexandria_api.add_siganture(tx, signed_digest)
  • result.signed_tx = alexandria_api.broadcast_transaction(signed_tx)

  • Query Parameters JSON
    {"op": [], "pk": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
      "signed_tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": [],
        "transaction_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "block_num": 0,
        "transaction_num": 0
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.send_and_sign_operation", "params": {"op":["custom_json",{"fee":"0.000000 SPHTX","sender":"user1","recipients":["user2","user3"],"app_id":10,"json":"{\"data\":\"any valid json data\"}"}],"pk":"sender PRIVATE KEY"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "signed_tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 2230,
        "ref_block_prefix": 331838658,
        "expiration": "2019-04-04T12:10:42",
        "operations": [
              "fee": "0.010000 SPHTX",
              "sender": "user1",
              "recipients": ["user2", "user3"],
              "app_id": 10,
              "json": "{\"data\":\"any valid json data\"}"
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": [
        "transaction_id": "dacf80351711e1049bccf0d804b5556ca8282c17",
        "block_num": 2231,
        "transaction_num": 0


    Signs provided transaction and broadcasts it to network

    Such transaction can be created by call alexandria_api.create_simple_transaction(…)

    This functionality should be done locally in SDK and not remotely !!! Only alexandria_api.broadcast_transaction should be called remotely. See "Internal steps" below.


  • tx - unsigned transaction
  • pk - sender private key

  • Response

  • signed_tx - signed, created and broadcasted transaction

  • Internal steps make by this call are equivalent to:

  • digest = alexandria_api.get_transaction_digest(tx)
  • signed_digest = alexandria_api.sign_digest(digest,
  • signed_tx = alexandria_api.add_siganture(tx, signed_digest)
  • result.signed_tx = alexandria_api.broadcast_transaction(signed_tx)

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
      "pk": ""
    Expected Response JSON
      "signed_tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": [""],
        "transaction_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "block_num": 0,
        "transaction_num": 0
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "alexandria_api.send_and_sign_transaction", "params": {"tx":{"ref_block_num":3701,"ref_block_prefix":914684397,"expiration":"2019-04-04T13:30:15","operations":[["custom_json",{"fee":"0.010000 SPHTX","sender":"user1","recipients":["user2","user3"],"app_id":10,"json":"{\"data\":\"any valid json data\"}"}]],"extensions":[],"signatures":[]},"pk":"sender PRIVATE KEY"}, "id": 1}' https://API_URL
    Response curl
      "signed_tx": {
        "ref_block_num": 3701,
        "ref_block_prefix": 914684397,
        "expiration": "2019-04-04T13:30:15",
        "operations": [
              "fee": "0.010000 SPHTX",
              "sender": "user1",
              "recipients": ["user2", "user3"],
              "app_id": 10,
              "json": "{\"data\":\"any valid json data\"}"
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": [
        "transaction_id": "8b9afcccdf8bed9484fadd56eaa3bd744a13f819",
        "block_num": 3782,
        "transaction_num": 0


    Signs digest with provided private key.


  • digest - digest of transaction
  • pk - private key for signing (in WIF format)

  • Result:

  • signed_digest - signed digest.

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "digest": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "pk": ""
    Expected Response JSON
      "signed_digest": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


    Verifies signature of the provided digest based on provided publi key


  • digest - digest corresponding to signature.
  • pub_key - public key corresponding to private_key,that signed digest.
  • signature - signature to be verified.

  • Result:

  • signature_valid - true if signature is valid, otherwise false.

  • Query Parameters JSON
      "digest": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "pub_key": "SPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
      "signature": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    Expected Response JSON
    {"signature_valid": false}

    Database Api

    List of supported calls:

    Used to query information about accounts, transactions, and blockchain data. These AppBase API methods are still under development and subject to change.


    Returns the list of active witnesses.

    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
    {"witnesses": []}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.get_active_witnesses", "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Returns information about compile-time constants. Some properties may not be present. See: Understanding Configuration Values

    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.get_config", "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Returns the current price feed.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"symbol": "SPHTX"}
    Expected Response JSON
      "base": "0.000000 SPHTX",
      "quote": "0.000000 SPHTX"


    Returns the current dynamic global properties. See: Understanding Dynamic Global Properties

    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
      "id": 0,
      "head_block_number": 0,
      "head_block_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
      "current_witness": "",
      "current_supply": "0.000000 SPHTX",
      "total_vesting_shares": "0.000000 VESTS",
      "total_reward_fund": "0.000000 SPHTX",
      "maximum_block_size": 0,
      "current_aslot": 0,
      "witness_required_vesting": "250000.000000 SPHTX",
      "recent_slots_filled": "0",
      "participation_count": 0,
      "last_irreversible_block_num": 0
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.get_dynamic_global_properties", "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Returns the history of price feed values.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"symbol": "SPHTX"}
    Expected Response JSON
      "id": 0,
      "symbol": "SPHTX",
      "current_median_history": {
        "base": "0.000000 SPHTX",
        "quote": "0.000000 SPHTX"
      "price_history": []
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.get_feed_history", "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Returns the current properties about the blockchain’s hardforks.

    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
      "id": 0,
      "processed_hardforks": [],
      "last_hardfork": 0,
      "current_hardfork_version": "0.0.0",
      "next_hardfork": "0.0.0",
      "next_hardfork_time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00"
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.get_hardfork_properties", "id":1}' https://API_URL


    This method will return the set of all public keys that could possibly sign for a given transaction.

    Query Parameters JSON
      "trx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
    Expected Response JSON
    {"keys": []}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.get_potential_signatures", "params":{"trx":{"ref_block_num":1097,"ref_block_prefix":2181793527,"expiration":"2016-03-24T18:00:21","operations":[{"type":"pow_operation","value":{"worker_account":"cloop3","block_id":"00000449f7860b82b4fbe2f317c670e9f01d6d9a","nonce":3899,"work":{"worker":"STM7P5TDnA87Pj9T4mf6YHrhzjC1KbPZpNxLWCcVcHxNYXakpoT4F","input":"ae8e7c677119d22385f8c48026fee7aad7bba693bf788d7f27047f40b47738c0","signature":"1f38fe9a3f9989f84bd94aa5bbc88beaf09b67f825aa4450cf5105d111149ba6db560b582c7dbb026c7fc9c2eb5051815a72b17f6896ed59d3851d9a0f9883ca7a","work":"000e7b209d58f2e64b36e9bf12b999c6c7af168cc3fc41eb7f8a4bf796c174c3"},"props":{"account_creation_fee":{"amount":"100000","precision":3,"nai":"@@000000021"},"maximum_block_size":131072,"sbd_interest_rate":1000}}}],"extensions":[],"signatures":[]}}, "id":1}' https://API_URL


    This API will take a partially signed transaction and a set of public keys that the owner has the ability to sign for and return the minimal subset of public keys that should add signatures to the transaction.

    Query Parameters JSON
      "trx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
      "available_keys": []
    Expected Response JSON
    {"keys": []}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.get_required_signatures", "params":{"trx":{"ref_block_num":1097,"ref_block_prefix":2181793527,"expiration":"2016-03-24T18:00:21","operations":[{"type":"pow_operation","value":{"worker_account":"cloop3","block_id":"00000449f7860b82b4fbe2f317c670e9f01d6d9a","nonce":3899,"work":{"worker":"STM7P5TDnA87Pj9T4mf6YHrhzjC1KbPZpNxLWCcVcHxNYXakpoT4F","input":"ae8e7c677119d22385f8c48026fee7aad7bba693bf788d7f27047f40b47738c0","signature":"1f38fe9a3f9989f84bd94aa5bbc88beaf09b67f825aa4450cf5105d111149ba6db560b582c7dbb026c7fc9c2eb5051815a72b17f6896ed59d3851d9a0f9883ca7a","work":"000e7b209d58f2e64b36e9bf12b999c6c7af168cc3fc41eb7f8a4bf796c174c3"},"props":{"account_creation_fee":{"amount":"100000","precision":3,"nai":"@@000000021"},"maximum_block_size":131072,"sbd_interest_rate":1000}}}],"extensions":[],"signatures":[]},"available_keys":[]}, "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Returns a hexdump of the serialized binary form of a transaction.

    Query Parameters JSON
      "trx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
    Expected Response JSON
    {"hex": ""}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.get_transaction_hex", "params":{"trx":{"ref_block_num":1097,"ref_block_prefix":2181793527,"expiration":"2016-03-24T18:00:21","operations":[{"type":"pow_operation","value":{"worker_account":"cloop3","block_id":"00000449f7860b82b4fbe2f317c670e9f01d6d9a","nonce":3899,"work":{"worker":"STM7P5TDnA87Pj9T4mf6YHrhzjC1KbPZpNxLWCcVcHxNYXakpoT4F","input":"ae8e7c677119d22385f8c48026fee7aad7bba693bf788d7f27047f40b47738c0","signature":"1f38fe9a3f9989f84bd94aa5bbc88beaf09b67f825aa4450cf5105d111149ba6db560b582c7dbb026c7fc9c2eb5051815a72b17f6896ed59d3851d9a0f9883ca7a","work":"000e7b209d58f2e64b36e9bf12b999c6c7af168cc3fc41eb7f8a4bf796c174c3"},"props":{"account_creation_fee":{"amount":"100000","precision":3,"nai":"@@000000021"},"maximum_block_size":131072,"sbd_interest_rate":1000}}}],"extensions":[],"signatures":[]}}, "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Returns the current witness schedule.

    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
      "id": 0,
      "current_virtual_time": "0",
      "next_shuffle_block_num": 0,
      "current_shuffled_witnesses": [],
      "num_scheduled_witnesses": 0,
      "top19_weight": 0,
      "timeshare_weight": 0,
      "witness_pay_normalization_factor": 0,
      "median_props": {
        "account_creation_fee": "0.000000 SPHTX",
        "maximum_block_size": 262144,
        "price_feeds": []
      "majority_version": "0.0.0",
      "max_voted_witnesses": 83,
      "max_runner_witnesses": 80,
      "hardfork_required_witnesses": 72
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.get_witness_schedule", "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Returns a list of account recovery requests.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"start": null, "limit": 0, "order": "by_name"}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"requests": []}


    Returns a list of accounts.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"start": null, "limit": 0, "order": "by_name"}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"accounts": []}


    Returns a list of recovery account change requests.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"start": null, "limit": 0, "order": "by_name"}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"requests": []}


    Returns a list of escrows.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"start": null, "limit": 0, "order": "by_name"}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"escrows": []}


    Returns a list of owner authority histories.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"start": null, "limit": 0}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"owner_auths": []}


    Returns a list of witness votes.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"start": null, "limit": 0, "order": "by_name"}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"votes": []}


    Returns the list of witnesses.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"start": null, "limit": 0, "order": "by_name"}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"witnesses": []}


    Not Implemented

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"account": "", "signers": []}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"valid": false}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.verify_account_authority", "params":{"account":"initminer","signers":["STM7Q2rLBqzPzFeteQZewv9Lu3NLE69fZoLeL6YK59t7UmssCBNTU"]}, "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Returns true if the transaction has all of the required signatures.

    Query Parameters JSON
      "trx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
    Expected Response JSON
    {"valid": false}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.verify_authority", "params":{"trx":{"ref_block_num":1097,"ref_block_prefix":2181793527,"expiration":"2016-03-24T18:00:21","operations":[{"type":"pow_operation","value":{"worker_account":"cloop3","block_id":"00000449f7860b82b4fbe2f317c670e9f01d6d9a","nonce":3899,"work":{"worker":"STM7P5TDnA87Pj9T4mf6YHrhzjC1KbPZpNxLWCcVcHxNYXakpoT4F","input":"ae8e7c677119d22385f8c48026fee7aad7bba693bf788d7f27047f40b47738c0","signature":"1f38fe9a3f9989f84bd94aa5bbc88beaf09b67f825aa4450cf5105d111149ba6db560b582c7dbb026c7fc9c2eb5051815a72b17f6896ed59d3851d9a0f9883ca7a","work":"000e7b209d58f2e64b36e9bf12b999c6c7af168cc3fc41eb7f8a4bf796c174c3"},"props":{"account_creation_fee":{"amount":"100000","precision":3,"nai":"@@000000021"},"maximum_block_size":131072,"sbd_interest_rate":1000}}}],"extensions":[],"signatures":[]}}, "id":1}' https://API_URL


    This is a general purpose API that checks signatures against accounts for an arbitrary sha256 hash using the existing authority structures.

    Query Parameters JSON
      "hash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "signatures": [],
      "required_owner": [],
      "required_active": [],
      "required_other": []
    Expected Response JSON
    {"valid": false}


    Query Parameters JSON
    {"start": null, "limit": 0, "search_type": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"application_buyings": []}


    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
    "0.000000 SPHTX"


    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
    "0.000000 SPHTX"


    Query Parameters JSON
    {"start": null, "limit": 0, "order": "by_name"}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"applications": []}


    Returns a list of account recovery requests.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"accounts": []}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"requests": []}


    Search for accounts.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"accounts": []}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"accounts": []}


    Returns a list of requests to change the recovery account.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"accounts": []}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"requests": []}


    Returns a list of escrows.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"from": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"escrows": []}


    Returns owner authority history.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"owner": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"owner_auths": []}


    Search for witnesses.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"owners": []}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"witnesses": []}


    List of supported calls:

    Used to lookup information about the JSON RPC API. These AppBase API methods are still under development and subject to change.


    Returns a list of methods supported by the JSON RPC API.

    Query Parameters JSON
    Expected Response JSON
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"jsonrpc.get_methods", "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Returns the signature information for a JSON RPC method including the arguments and expected response JSON.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"method": ""}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"args": null, "ret": null}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"jsonrpc.get_signature", "params":{"method":"jsonrpc.get_methods"}, "id":1}' https://API_URL
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"jsonrpc.get_signature", "params":{"method":"jsonrpc.get_signature"}, "id":1}' https://API_URL
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"jsonrpc.get_signature", "params":{"method":"condenser_api.get_dynamic_global_properties"}, "id":1}' https://API_URL
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"jsonrpc.get_signature", "params":{"method":"database_api.get_dynamic_global_properties"}, "id":1}' https://API_URL

    Network Broadcast Api

    List of supported calls:

    Used to broadcast transactions and blocks. These AppBase API methods are still under development and subject to change.

    Also see: Blockchain Ops


    Used to broadcast a block.

    Query Parameters JSON
      "block": {
        "previous": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "witness": "",
        "transaction_merkle_root": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "extensions": [],
        "witness_signature": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "transactions": []
    Expected Response JSON
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"network_broadcast_api.broadcast_block", "params":{"block":{"previous":"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000","timestamp":"1970-01-01T00:00:00","witness":"","transaction_merkle_root":"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000","extensions":[],"witness_signature":"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","transactions":[]}}, "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Used to broadcast a transaction.

    Query Parameters JSON
      "trx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
      "max_block_age": -1
    Expected Response JSON
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"network_broadcast_api.broadcast_transaction", "params":{"trx":{"ref_block_num":1097,"ref_block_prefix":2181793527,"expiration":"2016-03-24T18:00:21","operations":[{"type":"vote_operation","value":{"voter":"initminer","author":"alice","permlink":"a-post-by-alice","weight":10000}}],"extensions":[],"signatures":[]},"max_block_age":50}, "id":1}' https://API_URL
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"network_broadcast_api.broadcast_transaction", "params":{"trx":{"ref_block_num":1097,"ref_block_prefix":2181793527,"expiration":"2016-03-24T18:00:21","operations":[{"type":"pow_operation","value":{"worker_account":"cloop3","block_id":"00000449f7860b82b4fbe2f317c670e9f01d6d9a","nonce":3899,"work":{"worker":"STM7P5TDnA87Pj9T4mf6YHrhzjC1KbPZpNxLWCcVcHxNYXakpoT4F","input":"ae8e7c677119d22385f8c48026fee7aad7bba693bf788d7f27047f40b47738c0","signature":"1f38fe9a3f9989f84bd94aa5bbc88beaf09b67f825aa4450cf5105d111149ba6db560b582c7dbb026c7fc9c2eb5051815a72b17f6896ed59d3851d9a0f9883ca7a","work":"000e7b209d58f2e64b36e9bf12b999c6c7af168cc3fc41eb7f8a4bf796c174c3"},"props":{"account_creation_fee":{"amount":"100000","precision":3,"nai":"@@000000021"},"maximum_block_size":131072,"sbd_interest_rate":1000}}}],"extensions":[],"signatures":[]},"max_block_age":50}, "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Used to broadcast a transaction and waits for it to be processed synchronously.

    Query Parameters JSON
      "trx": {
        "ref_block_num": 0,
        "ref_block_prefix": 0,
        "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "operations": [],
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": []
      "max_block_age": -1
    Expected Response JSON
      "id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "block_num": 0,
      "trx_num": 0,
      "expired": false

    Account History Api

    List of supported calls:

    Used to lookup account history information. These AppBase API methods are still under development and subject to change.


    Returns a history of all operations for a given account.

    Query Parameters JSON
      "account": "",
      "start": -1,
      "limit": 1000,
      "reverse_order": false
    Expected Response JSON
    {"history": []}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"account_history_api.get_account_history", "params":{"account":"initminer", "start":1000, "limit":1000}, "id":1}' https://API_URL
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"account_history_api.get_account_history", "params":{"account":"initminer", "start":-1, "limit":10000}, "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Returns all operations contained in a block.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"block_num": 0, "only_virtual": false}
    Expected Response JSON
    {"ops": []}
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"account_history_api.get_ops_in_block", "params":{"block_num":1,"only_virtual":false}, "id":1}' https://API_URL
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"account_history_api.get_ops_in_block", "params":{"block_num":5443322,"only_virtual":true}, "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Returns the details of a transaction based on a transaction id.

    Query Parameters JSON
    {"id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"}
    Expected Response JSON
      "ref_block_num": 0,
      "ref_block_prefix": 0,
      "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
      "operations": [],
      "extensions": [],
      "signatures": [],
      "transaction_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "block_num": 0,
      "transaction_num": 0
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"account_history_api.get_transaction", "params":{"id":"6fde0190a97835ea6d9e651293e90c89911f933c"}, "id":1}' https://API_URL

    Block Api

    List of supported calls:

    Used to query values related to the block plugin. These AppBase API methods are still under development and subject to change.


    Retrieve a full, signed block of the referenced block, or null if no matching block was found.


    block_num (int)  
    1 Queries the very first block.
    8675309 Queries block number 8,675,309.
    62396745 Queries block number 62,396,745.
    Query Parameters JSON
    {"block_num": 0}
    Expected Response JSON
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"block_api.get_block", "params":{"block_num":1}, "id":1}' https://API_URL
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"block_api.get_block", "params":{"block_num":8675309}, "id":1}' https://API_URL
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"block_api.get_block", "params":{"block_num":62396745}, "id":1}' https://API_URL


    Retrieve a block header of the referenced block, or null if no matching block was found.


    block_num (int)  
    1 Queries the block headers for the very first block.
    8675309 Queries block headers for block number 8,675,309.
    62396745 Queries block headers for block number 62,396,745.
    Query Parameters JSON
    {"block_num": 0}
    Expected Response JSON
    Example curl
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"block_api.get_block_header", "params":{"block_num":1}, "id":1}' https://API_URL
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"block_api.get_block_header", "params":{"block_num":8675309}, "id":1}' https://API_URL
    curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"block_api.get_block_header", "params":{"block_num":62396745}, "id":1}' https://API_URL

    Chain Api

    List of supported calls:


    Query Parameters JSON
      "block": {
        "previous": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
        "witness": "",
        "transaction_merkle_root": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "extensions": [],
        "witness_signature": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "transactions": []
      "currently_syncing": false
    Expected Response JSON
    {"success": false}


    Query Parameters JSON
      "ref_block_num": 0,
      "ref_block_prefix": 0,
      "expiration": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
      "operations": [],
      "extensions": [],
      "signatures": []
    Expected Response JSON
    {"success": false}

    Custom Api

    List of supported calls:


    Query Parameters JSON
    {"app_id": 0, "start": 0, "limit": 0}
    Expected Response JSON


    Query Parameters JSON
    {"id": 0}
    Expected Response JSON
      "id": 0,
      "sender": "",
      "recipients": [],
      "app_id": 0,
      "data": "",
      "received": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
      "binary": true


    Search types:

    Query Parameters JSON
      "app_id": 0,
      "account_name": "",
      "search_type": "",
      "start": "",
      "count": 0
    Expected Response JSON

    Subscribe Api

    List of supported calls:


    Query Parameters JSON
      "return_id": 0,
      "app_id": 0,
      "account_name": "",
      "search_type": "",
      "start": 0
    Expected Response JSON