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Welcome to SophiaTX Developer Portal

This site is designed to aid those interested in developing applications on the SophiaTX blockchain.

If you don’t know about SophiaTX yet, visit

The code for this site is on github. If you’d like to see a specific improvement you can either submit a pull request or file an issue.

Site Resources

The QUICKSTART section has some general information on working with nodes, existing testnets and building source code.

There is also a TUTORIALS section that provide a lot of useful information on different topics like creating custom plugins on top of core functionality of SophiaTX blockchain, etc…

Our SDK’s section will take you through the basics of interacting with SophiaTX apis in Javascript and C#.

More detailed API specs are available in the API’s section. Those apis are under development, so please read notes at the top of each section.

CLI_WALLET section provides information about tool for interfacing with sophiatxd.

SophiaTX Blockchain

SophiaTX is Delegated Proof of Stake blockchain. The source code is publicly available on github.

Public Announcement & Discussion

SophiaTX was announced on the Bitcointalk forum prior to the start of any mining.


You can read the SophiaTX Whitepaper at SophiaTXWhitePaper.pdf.


Just want to get up and running quickly? We have pre-built docker images for your convenience. More details are in our technical quickstart guide.


Latest release can be always found here


If you would like to build from source, we do have build instructions for Linux (Ubuntu LTS).

Config File

Run sophiatxd once to generate a data directory and config file. The default location is witness_node_data_dir. Kill sophiatxd. It won’t do anything without seed nodes. If you want to modify the config to your liking, we have two example configs. ( full node, witness node ) All options will be present in the default config file and there may be more options needing to be changed from those configs (some of the options actually used in images are configured via command line).

Seed Nodes

A list of some seed nodes to get you:


  • System Requirements

    For a full web node, you need at least 50GB of disk space available. SophiaTXd uses a memory mapped file which currently holds 26GB of data and by default is set to use up to 80GB. The block log of the blockchain itself is a little over 1GB. It’s highly recommended to run sophiatxd on a fast disk such as an SSD or by placing the shared memory files in a ramdisk and using the --shared-file-dir=/path command line option to specify where. At least 4GB of memory is required for a full web node. Seed nodes (p2p mode) can run with as little as 2GB of memory. Any CPU with decent single core performance should be sufficient. SophiaTXd is constantly growing, so you may find you need more disk space to run a full node. We are also constantly working on optimizing SophiaTX’s use of disk space.

    Below are SophiaTX specific terms that will help you understand documentation, whitepapers, and the speech of SophiaTX.

    Chain Basics

    Dictionary of Chain Basic Terms

    Decentralized ledger and consensus protocol
    Name of the blockchain and platform
    is the limit of data each account can send/use
    Currency of the blockchain=
    Operations/Activity/Write requests to the blockchain
    Bundle of transactions to be included in blockchain
    Block Header
    Information about block, root and witness who signed, etc.
    Price feed
    Feed that is maintained by witnesses to ensure USD/SPHTX price stability
    User account on SophiaTX blockchain
    Each Account has multiple authority and keys to manager different permissions on the platform
    Owner authority/permission of account
    Public Key
    Public key of account's certain authority
    Private Key
    Private key to sign a transaction with account's authority, should be kept secret because it grants access to account
    Wallet Import Format/Private key, should be kept secret because it grants access to account
    Active key
    The active key is used to make transfers and place orders in the internal market
    Owner key
    The owner key is the master key for the account and is required to change the other keys
    Voting a content
    The 'production' SophiaTX blockchain network wherein real SPHTX is held and actual transactions take place.


    Dictionary of Transaction Terms

    Operations submitted to the blockchain
    Pending Transaction
    Transaction that is pending and to be included to the blockchain
    Transaction Hex
    Hash of the transaction
    Hash (sha256) of the transaction used for signing
    Transaction signature signed by account with private key
    Broadcast Transaction
    Event where signed transaction is broadcasted to the network, so that witnesses could validate and include in block
    Virtual operation
    Operations that are derived from blockchain activity, but aren't actually stored as operations themselves (ex. curation and author rewards). They happen based on consensus from the blockchain based on other normal operations


    Dictionary of Governance Terms

    Delegated Proof of Stake
    Servers running blockchain software
    Witness is a position/role for the people who are chosen by community (delegate trust) to support platform and run consensus protocol to ensure security and validity of transactions/blocks on the blockchain
    Process to release protocol/blockchain consensus upgrades
    Process to release protocol/blockchain software improvements
    Witness Vote
    Voting/electing witnesses with account's stake